by Elisha Coats

'Pinup, Rockabilly & Pop Art!' 

A Chat with Candy Weil

Candy Weil is an artist from California, who’s pop surrealist style has a worldwide following on Instagram and Etsy. Her gorgeous female-oriented Rockabilly inspired art has been in galleries and magazines alike. You can purchase your own piece of Candy’s work from her Etsy store or website where she sells prints, clothing, stickers, and even custom works where you can work directly with Candy to commission your very own design!

The Vintage Woman Magazine was excited to have the chance to interview Candy and to ask her about her artwork, themes and any advice that she would give to other budding artists who are inspired by her distinctive style.  

Your artwork is so beautifully detailed; did you study art professionally or are you self-taught? 

Yes. I’ve taken art classes my whole life, and I did go to the Art Institute of Southern California for a while. However, most of my ‘training’ came while I was apprenticing under The PIZZ.

Do you draw on any inspirations from people (living, dead or fictional) for inspiration in your art?

Definitely, I love the 1950s and 1960s aesthetic and my girls are always dressed in some kind of vintage clothing – it’s just better that way! Inspiration for me comes from many places, but I’d have to say that classic Disney films, Hanna-Barbera cartoons, Men’s Adventure Magazines, vintage advertising and 50s/60s music are what seem to feature most heavily my work. 

You’re from California in the U.S.A, what is the vintage scene like there? 

The vintage scene is alive and well in California, and there is no shortage of classic cars and swing dresses here! In Long Beach (where I’m from) you can head downtown to 4th Street (Retro Row) and hit dozens of shops, which cater to the folks that keep that vintage spirit alive! Not to mention all of the car shows, and regular Sunday car club cruises. 

We at The Vintage Woman Magazine love the dresses on your Etsy shop, do you feel like experimenting with your art and fashion is something you would like to delve into more in the future? 

I was so fortunate to have had the chance to collaborate and make those dresses with Rebel Love Clothing ( for one of my very first fashion collaborations – wow those girls have got style! As far as any future plans go, I’d love to design more fabrics and maybe even contribute a bit more to the design process!

Many of your designs have a sultry feel to them, would you say you’ve drawn inspiration from the pin-up style? 

Absolutely! I’ve evolved from painting monsters in rat rods, to creating these pinup inspired babes – they are so fun! I feel that pinup, especially early pinup, brought about a real sense of empowerment for women and I really enjoy exaggerating body shapes, which helps me to retain the cartoon quality to my art which I hold so dear. As for me personally, I am far from being pinup! I wear Levi’s and flannel shirts and live in the mountains! But the confidence that these models display is inspiring, and I love the girls I paint to exude that spirit.

Vintage obviously has inspired your artistic style, does that cross over into your everyday life as well, i.e. fashion, décor etc? 

When I get dressed up for any event, I’m almost always in a wiggle dress and heels! My husband and I also both had classic cars in the past, and still own a 1950s canned ham camper, and we have got a turntable in every room, vintage toys and mid-century titbits scattered around here and there! We have an affinity for vintage and love being surrounded by it.

On your Etsy store and website, you take commissions, do you enjoy collaborating with other people to create unique pieces for them?  

Yes, I feel that taking commissions allows me a chance to work on projects I wouldn’t usually get to work on! I love hearing people’s ideas and elaborating on them. It’s a really neat process. 

What would you say has been your greatest achievement so far regarding your artwork? 

Becoming self-employed is by far, my biggest achievement to date. I’ve been so lucky that my work has been steady enough for the past two years, that I can work from home in my studio. Plus, we have three kids, so being at home with them and doing what I love is a dream. 

We LOVE the strong female themes in your art, what would you say to other women wanting to enter the art world? 

Just like many industries the art scene is predominantly male…however, I have never let it discourage me from doing what I love to do, and I learned a long time ago to embrace it! My top tips for if you want to get anywhere in the art world? You must work hard and practice, I paint and draw everyday – Every. Single. Day.We can always improve, and if you want to succeed, you must keep improving and extend your knowledge of the subject by going to art shows, networking and of course, using social platforms!

What is in store for Candy in the future? 

I’ve got lots of things in the works right now, but the most exciting of all is that I am currently working on a book, which will be released sometime next year! Its all super exciting, and also kind of scary.

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