by Ronda Collins

“I Hope That When Other People Look At Me They Feed Off Of My Joy And Feel Like They Can Wear Anything They Want, Too!”: An Interview With Midge Munster

YouTube content creator, social media influencer, and now podcaster, Midge Munster wears many hats (on top of a fabulously styled head of hair). I got the chance to ask Midge some questions about her career, her love of spooky stuff, vintage, and more. Check it out below.


How did you get into vintage fashion?

I have always been an “old soul”, an only child raised by older parents who schooled me in good music and films. I was a bit of a hippie as a kid. I loved The Beatles and Jimi Hendrix and wanted my room to be decorated with lava lamps and VW buses. But I would say my love of vintage fashion started with theatre! I was a freshman in high school when I got to star in a play called “Moon Over Buffalo” which was set in the mid-50s. We had to provide our own costumes, so my mom took me to a vintage shop downtown and I tried on my first true vintage dress. I felt like myself for the first time ever. Coincidentally, I also wore a red wig for this show which was the first time I ever saw myself with red hair. I feel like that was the jumping-off point for the person I became.

You have a love for spooky stuff. How do you go about combining vintage and “spooky” together in your wardrobe to create outfits that feel most like you?

There is nothing I love more in this world than the place where vintage and spooky meet!! I look for pieces that have vintage silhouettes but bold spooky patterns. Luckily we have great brands like Vixen and La Femme en Noire who give us beautiful quality pieces in this vein year round! But even in my less spooky attire, I look for ways to incorporate subtle scare factors. My favourite accessories right now are my collection of giant spooky acrylic earrings!

What is most important to you about your wardrobe and how you present yourself in your clothes?

I would say that in the last 2 years I have fallen away from being so concerned with “looking authentically vintage” and what has become most important to me is having fun when I get dressed every day. As a person who has struggled with body image their entire life, my clothes are now a way of celebrating how I show up in the world and not being afraid to be seen and take up space. I hope that when other people look at me they feed off of my joy and feel like they can wear anything they want, too!

What is your experience being a plus-size woman in the vintage community? 

I have found the community, as a whole, to be mostly celebratory of all bodies and types of people. I’ve been very happy to see the  #vintagestylenotvintagevalues movement in the last few years. Unfortunately, this style is inherently based in thinness and whiteness, but I think as a community we are really working to break that. I hope if you are reading this and you don’t already follow all of our many BIPOC, fat, and queer vintage creators that you will go and seek them out and support their work.

Do you have any fashion staples that you would recommend someone get who is just getting into vintage?

I know vintage can be intimidating when you’re first starting out, especially if you are plus size or on a budget. The way I started out was by kind of bending modern clothes into looking more vintage; buying basics like circle skirts, cardigans, peasant tops, etc. You can get a lot of mileage out of these pieces until you are ready to invest in some statement pieces once you know what you really like. Also, I can’t say enough about taking the time to learn how to style your hair. You can take a plain Jane outfit from a 2 to a 10 just by adding a vintage hairstyle, and that doesn’t cost you a thing! And of course, the best accessory is always confidence!!


You also have a YouTube channel. How did you get into that?

I owe it all to Rachel Maksy. I started watching her channel in 2017 and I saw so much of myself in her. She inspired me to give YouTube a go and here I am almost 5 years later as a full-time creator. It’s honestly crazy to think about.

How has your channel changed your life? 

Gosh, so many ways. I quit my 9-5 job in June 2021. I was so unhappy in my previous career, and the channel has given me so much joy and freedom. More than anything it has helped me find my community. I am so thankful for all of the amazing people I have met through my channel. 

Has there been a time since you’ve become a social media influencer where you’ve done a video concept or shot photos, etc where you realized afterwards that it just wasn’t working? What happened?

CONSTANTLY! One of my favourite instances of this was this past Friday the 13th I tried to make a video making Jason Voorhees donuts, and they turned out SO HORRIBLE that I couldn’t even post the video as a joke (hahaha). Like they went past the point of being funny bad to just being awful! But I always think it’s worth trusting yourself and at least trying an idea. Sometimes it’s a disaster, but sometimes you end up with something weird and absolutely wonderful.

What are your favourite types of videos to shoot and why?

I really enjoy my Halloween Decor Hunting series. It’s such a blast to be on the hunt, searching for treasures and seeing what is out there each year. It gives me the same kind of thrill I get from hunting an antique mall for a good deal. 

How has your content changed since you first started posting?

I used to be called Adventures in Vintage, in fact, I spent most of my time on YouTube up to this point under that name and trying to produce exclusively vintage “pinup” content. Unfortunately, I was not being true to myself and was not enjoying making content at all. In March of 2020, I saw a trend going around of people doing “Quarantine-oween” to bring some joy during the first lockdown and I thought “Hey, I love Halloween. Why not?” I decorated my studio, put on my favourite spooky dress, and made a spooky Q&A video, and it ended up being the most fun I had had in years. It was a few months after that that I realized I needed to listen to my gut and create the type of content I wanted to see in the world. And thus, Midge Munster was born.

What would you say is the biggest thing you hope people take away from your videos? 

To follow your joy. Of course, my content is about spooky stuff and home decor and vintage style, but more than that, it is about what can happen when you channel your energy into creating a life you love and celebrate the things that make you wonderfully weird.


You have a podcast now with the lovely Penny Snark called Ghouls Night In! Can you tell us a little bit about that?

Yes of course!! Ghouls Night In is honestly my pride and joy right now, I can’t stop talking about it! Penny had toyed with the idea of doing a podcast by herself in 2020, and my understanding is that she gave it a go and realized she wanted it to be more of a chatty show and needed a co-host. Right around that same time I had posted something to my Instagram story about how much I enjoyed podcasting and that I was interested in starting one up but didn’t really know where to begin. Penny and I had been friends for a few years at that point, and she reached out to me and asked if I wanted to jump into GNI with her. Of course, I said ABSOLUTELY! As our opening line suggests, Ghouls Night In is a cozy chat show about all things spooky with your best ghoulfriends. We pick a different topic to explore each week from cemeteries to slasher films, to spooky fashion. It’s a blast to work on and it’s been really well received!

What do you have planned for the future of GNI?

Penny and I have talked about bringing on guests to talk about other areas of spooky culture that aren’t our expertise. I’m definitely excited for that.

Do you have any future projects you’d like to mention?

My big project this year is working on writing my first book! My intent is for it to be sort of a satire of those old guides on how to be a “perfect housewife” from the 1950s, but with a spooky twist of course. I’m hoping it will be ready to release this Fall, so definitely keep your eyes peeled for that!

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